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epa03573062 German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (L) is greeted by Cliff Davies (2-L), president of Doehle Shipmanagement Philippines (DSP) during a visit at a maritime school in Makati city, south of Manila, Philippines, 08 February 2013. The Philippines and Germany agreed to put a multimillion-US dollar row over an airport extension behind them and improve their economic, political, trade and defence cooperation. Tensions flared between the Philippines and its largest European trading partner in 2002 when the government of then-president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo nullified the 1997 contract awarded to a German-led consortium to build and operate a third terminal at Manila's international airport, citing irregularities. The government in 2003 expropriated Terminal 3 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport from the consortium, whose leader, Germany's Fraport AG, has been suing to recover 425 US million dollars ever since. The dispute strained diplomatic relations, and was a factor in preventing high-level visits from Berlin. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG ☞ "한파에 강풍" 설악산 -29.2도… 강원 전역 '꽁꽁' ☞ KBS '전우치' 자체 최고 15.2%로 종영 ☞ 정부 "개성공단 北제재수단으로 검토하지 않아" ☞ '1호 박지성-10호 기성용' 6개월 기다린 맞대결 ☞ 朴당선인, 새정부 첫 국무총리 후보에 정홍원 지명
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