2012. 2. 13. 23:49
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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epa03104325 School girls walk past two blocks of flats on the Cape Flats in Hanover Park, Cape Town, South Africa 13 February 2012. The Cape Flats are home to over 4 million South Africans, much of the population of greater Cape Town. The Cape Flats comprise a sandy stretch of land located on the outskirts of Cape Town between the Hottentots Holland Mountains with its winelands and the Cape Peninsula with its wealthier suburbs. EPA/NIC BOTHMA "또 찢어진 눈"…스타벅스 한국인 비하 논란 유명아이돌, 前여친에 '알몸사진 공개' 협박받아 김재균, 전두환ㆍ노태우 前 대통령 경호중단 추진 윤종신 "난치병 앓고 있다" < 박근혜 3차례 눈물..의원들 "대승적 결단" >

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