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epa03088365 Composite of undated handout photos issued by West Midlands Police, in Britain, 01 February 2012, of (From L to R) upper row: Mohammed Moksudur Chowdhury, Mohammed Shahjahan, Shah Mohammed Rahman, middle row: Mohibur Rahman, Gurukanth Desai, Abdul Malik Miah, lower row: Nazam Hussain, Usman Khan, Omar Sharif Latif. The nine men admitted various terror charges at Woolwich Crown Court and will be sentenced next week. Chowdhury, Rahman, Desai and Miah have admitted an al Qaida-inspired plot to detonate a bomb at the London Stock Exchange. The Muslim fundamentalists' group wanted to send five mail bombs to various targets during the run up to Christmas 2010 and discussed launching a 'Mumbai-style' atrocity. A hand-written target list found at one of the defendant's homes listed the names and addresses of London Mayor Boris Johnson, two rabbis, the American Embassy and the Stock Exchange. EPA/HO HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES < 연합뉴스 모바일앱 다운받기 >< 포토 매거진 >< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >
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