The world's 8 most unusual hotels

2011. 1. 6. 18:48
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Have you ever tried sleeping inside a converted sewage or if not perhaps underneath the ocean?

Far from ordinary, some of these exotic and weird bedrooms are designed to create a surreal world. Let your imagination run wild as anything is possible inside these rooms.

Pavilion on the lake

(Hotel Palafitte)

Hotel Palafitte

is a hi-tech series of apartments on stilts adrift in the middle of Nechatel Lake in Switzerland.

Glass Igloo

(Hotel Kaksaluttanen)

For a once-in-a-life-time experience, visit Igloo Village at Hotel Kaksaluttanen, located in Finland. Visitors can relax inside the thermal glass igloo and admire the fantastic northern lights and dazzling stars through the futuristic glass.

Magic Mountain Lodge

(Huilo-Huilo Hotel)

Magic Mountain Lodge is located in the Huilo-Huilohotel in Chile. This strange but amazing hotel is built in a mountain-like shape with waterfalls cascading down its sides. .

Extreme bedrooms


Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodgeis described as "the living work of art," by German artist Lars Stroschen, the designer of the hotel. The City Lodge is home to 30 different themed suites with unique room featuring a Cinderella room designed in pink and pumpkins to a bedroom which is layered in mirrors to create a kaleidoscopic effect.

Poseidon Undersea Resort


For those who like the idea of sleeping down in the deep blue ocean visit Nautilus Undersea Suit, located 40 feet underneath the surface. Poseidon Undersea Resortis a five star underwater hotel and is located in Fiji. According to the New York Times, one night can cost up to $30,000 for a couple sharing a room.

Das Park Hotel

(Das Park Hotel)

Das Park Hotel

in Linz, Austria invites guests to stay in their renovated and furnished sewer pipes. The tiny and unusual room includes a bed and just enough space for luggage. The hotel is open from May to October.

Dog Bark Park

(Dog Bark Park)

The world's largest beagle offers a double room inside a wooden dog. Visitors can enter the body of the beagle from a private second story deck. This unique dog shaped bed and breakfast guesthouseis located in Cottonwood, Idaho, United States.

Utter Inn

(Utter Inn)

Utter Inn

is a floating underwater hotel, where you can sleep inside an underwater aquarium. Designed by Mikael Genberg, this amazing single room lies three meters below the surface of Swedish lake near Stockholm.

By Moon Ye-bin ( reporter

Edited by Hannah Stuart Leach

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