HHI Develops Eco-Friendly Gas Engine HiMSEN H35G

2010. 5. 27. 15:47
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South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), for the first time, has developed its own specially designed high power eco-friendly gas engines. HHI announced Thursday that it developed a gas engine model 'HiMSEN H35G' and held the official ceremony for the first run of the engine.

The new engine, runs with 20 cylinders measuring 35 centimeters in diameter, delivers maximum 13,000 brake horsepower (bhp). The engine is designed for both marine and land-based purposes.

HHI, after unveiling its new engine to the world at the International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC) scheduled to be held in Bergen Norway in June, will go though the final durability test and begin full-scale production of the engines from the beginning of 2011.

With the new engine, HHI will be able to have a full production line-up of diesel and gas engines of varying power ranging from 780bhp to 13,600bhp, since it independently developed HiMSEN engine in 2000.

An executive officer from HHI said that with the new engine, HHI will be able to expand its businesses in the global market with heightened competitiveness in technology.

HHI, the world's largest engine builder taking up 35% of global engine market share, achieved the total production milestone of 20 million bhp in medium-speed engines in the shortest time in the world last February. Furthermore, the engine builder's accumulated production capacity in large engines is close to exceed 100 million bhp for the first time in the world around September this year.

[Written by Jong-wook Park - Jin Choi / edited by Soyoung Chung]

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