2009. 9. 23. 23:16
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Cash depot robbery in Stockholm

epa01871513 A Swedish SWAT police team storms the building of a cash depot in Vastberga, Stockholm, 23 September 2009. Thieves used a helicopter and explosives to rob a cash depot in Stockholm, police and witnesses said, in what appeared to be a well-planned and expertly executed heist. Two or three men lowered themselves from the helicopter onto the roof of the building used by security services company G4S around 5 am (0300 GMT). Minutes later several explosions were heard and witnesses saw what appeared to be money bags hoisted into the helicopter that left the scene. There was no immediate estimate of how much money the robbers got away with. EPA/PONTUS LANDAHL SWEDEN OUT < 실시간 뉴스가 당신의 손안으로..연합뉴스폰 >< 포토 매거진 >< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >

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