2009. 8. 7. 19:41
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Traditional Wedding Ceremony in Donje Ljubinje, Kosovo

epa01817868 Some Kosovar Bosnian men play music and dance during a traditional wedding ceremony in the village of Donje Ljubinje, Kosovo, 04 August 2009. The tradition, whose origins date from beyond living memory, is virtually viewed by almost all residents with universal pride as it has come to symbolize this place's special identity. The bride has her face painted to prevent bad luck during the wedding ceremony. Donje Ljubinje is situated in the Shar mountains that form the border between Kosovo and Macedonia. The inhabitants call themselves 'Torbesh'. Their language is a mix of Serbian and Macedonian, with a few Turkish words. EPA/VALDRIN XHEMAJ < 실시간 뉴스가 당신의 손안으로..연합뉴스폰 >< 포토 매거진 >< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >

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