Yoon shares kimchi stew, omelet with reporters

2024. 5. 26. 14:18
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President Yoon Suk Yeol (right, front) hands out a Kimchi Jjigae bowl to a reporter at the front lawn of the presidential office in Seoul on Friday. (Presidential Office)

President Yoon Suk Yeol hosted an official dinner with reporters covering his office for the first time on Friday, serving kimchi stew by himself, at an event held in an apparent effort to mend ties with the media.

"As soon as I took office, I promised to invite you to a dinner with gyeran mari and kimchi jjigae, as seen in a TV show 'All the Butlers' as a presidential candidate, and I haven't been able to in the past two years," Yoon told some 200 reporters who attended the dinner Friday.

Yoon handed out bowls of kimchi stew to reporters and made the Korean-style rolled omelet by himself.

Following this, some reporters took turns expressing their wishes to Yoon.

President Yoon Suk Yeol (second from right) speaks with reporters during dinner his office hosted at the presidential office's front lawn on Friday. (Presidential Office)

Wrapping up the dinner, Yoon said his administration would foster more opportunities for journalists to participate in study-abroad programs.

Yoon said this would "allow reporters to get a deeper knowledge of international society, in line with the administration's pursuit of turning into a global pivotal state."

Yoon also pledged to "make more opportunities to get closer to reporters" and "take reporters' advice and criticism in terms of his policy issues."

By Son Ji-hyoung(consnow@heraldcorp.com)

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