Hitron Systems releases AI-driven CCTV with sound detection

2024. 5. 24. 08:27
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Hitron Systems Inc.‘s CEO Kim Min-sik
South Korean security and surveillance specialist Hitron Systems Inc. released an AI-driven closed-circuit television (CCTV) product that can detect signs that a fire is starting with its sound sensor, enabling a proactive response to disasters.

Hitron Systems‘ new product, HASS-SAFE, is designed to prevent various possible disasters at industrial sites via its sound field change detection technology. Kim Min-sik, the company’s chief executive officer, told the Maeil Business Newspaper that their product could help prevent fires, particularly in sensitive locations such as electronic vehicle facilities or data centers, where fires can lead to large-scale disasters.

Launched in 2024, the AI-driven video surveillance system emits inaudible frequencies to create a sound field. “Typically, before a fire occurs, a thermal explosion is observed first, and about three minutes before the thermal explosion, abnormal gas leaks are observed. The high-frequency sound sensor built into the CCTV detects the leak and helps secure a response window of up to three minutes,” Kim explained. The AI solution combines hazardous situation detection technology with AI video data analysis, significantly reducing blind spots in surveillance compared to existing video equipment.

Hitron Systems is exploring other business areas in addition to fire prevention to put its 38 years of experience in CCTV manufacturing to use.

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