New CIO chief pledges careful investigation into Marine's death as pressure mounts

조정우 2024. 5. 22. 18:18
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Oh Dong-woon, the new chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO), highlighted the significance of the probe into the death of a young Marine and promised a thorough investigation as he took office on Wednesday.
Oh Dong-woon, the new chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) heads to Government Complex Gwacheon in Gyeonggi on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Oh Dong-woon, the new chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO), highlighted the significance of the probe into the death of a young Marine and promised a thorough investigation as he took office on Wednesday.

The former Seoul High Court judge began his three-year term as the new head of the independent investigative body, filling the four-month vacancy that had existed since the previous head completed his term in January.

Oh’s term as the new CIO chief comes amid the investigative body’s probe into allegations of military interference during the investigation of Marine Cpl. Chae Su-geun's death. Chae drowned while conducting a search and rescue mission during heavy rain and flooding in July last year.

On Tuesday, President Yoon Suk Yeol vetoed a bill to establish a special counsel probe into suspicions that the Defense Ministry and the presidential office meddled in the military’s official inquest into the death of the Marine, leaving the CIO to carry on its investigation into the allegations.

Oh Dong-woon, the new chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, takes the oath of office at Government Complex Gwacheon in Gyeonggi on Wednesday. [NEWS1]

On Wednesday, on his way to the CIO office in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi, Oh told reporters that he would carefully investigate the case, given that it is his most important duty.

Oh’s appointment comes under pressure. If the CIO fails to conduct a thorough investigation, liberal parties will likely pursue a special probe into the case.

“I hope the CIO investigates well, but if it doesn't, it will lead to a special probe and the investigative body losing its reason for existence,” Democratic Party lawmaker Song Ki-hun said during Oh’s parliamentary confirmation hearing on Friday.

On Tuesday, the CIO summoned Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan and Col. Park Jung-hun to question them about the presidential office and Defense Ministry’s alleged orders regarding the investigation into Cpl. Chae’s death. Kim was summoned by the CIO for the second time this month.

The CIO, launched in January 2021 during the former Moon Jae-in administration, has been criticized for its lack of achievements so far. All five of its arrest warrant requests were rejected.

Oh is also tasked with appointing a deputy head of the CIO. “I will appoint a competent person,” Oh said, adding that he would suggest someone with excellent investigative capabilities to complement his weaknesses. The deputy chief of the CIO will be recommended by Oh and appointed by Yoon.

“The CIO may have many shortcomings, but I will work hard to serve the public, achieve results and gain trust from the people within my three-year term,” Oh said.


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