BAT Rothmans unveils glo HYPER Pro heat-not-burn cigarette

최혜진 2024. 5. 22. 11:04
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BAT Rothmans unveiled its heat-not-burn cigarette, glo HYPER Pro, on Tuesday.
BAT Rothmans' glo HYPER pro. [BAT ROTMANS]

BAT Rothmans unveiled its heat-not-burn cigarette, glo HYPER Pro, on Tuesday.

Devices like glo are known as heat-not-burn cigarettes because they heat tobacco leaves to a level at which nicotine can still be extracted without burning them like conventional cigarettes. The process produces no ash, tar or smoke. What the user ends up inhaling is nicotine-infused vapor.

The glo HYPER Pro is equipped with a new screen, a high-definition display and its latest heat boost technology to satisfy consumers’ tastes.

The newly introduced screen offers six different screen modes, enabling users to check residual usage time, heating time, battery level, heating mode, charging status and on-and-off status more easily.

Its heat boost technology delivers rich flavor and enables longer usage. The glo HYPER Pro will be available on online commerce markets such as Coupang starting May 20.

The product will be available in five color combinations: purple sapphire, lapis blue, jade teal, ruby black and obsidian black.

Weighing only 87.5g, it also features a high-performance battery, allowing for up to 20 uses on a single charge, with a maximum of three consecutive uses.

"Our company continues to release new products to provide premium quality and differentiated product experiences," said a spokesman of BAT Rothmans.


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