Pups put pep in cities, districts as ambassadors

우지원 2024. 5. 20. 10:34
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Cities across the country are tapping dogs as ambassadors amid a surge in pet ownership in Korea.
Dalseo District's dog ambassador, ″Dalmunggoo,″ poses for a photo with its owners, left, and Lee Tae-hoon, head of Dalseo District office, far right, after he was appointed as the district's dog ambassador. [DALSEO DISTRICT OFFICE]

Dogs are taking new roles as ambassadors in various cities across the country amid a surge in pet ownership with the number of Koreans raising four-legged friends surpassing 15 million.

In Daegu’s Dalseo District, a Pomeranian named Dalmunggoo was appointed as the city’s first official dog ambassador. The name, selected through a contest from April 29 to May 7, combines “Dal” from the district’s name and “mung” — the Korean onomatopoeia for a dog’s bark.

Selected for its adorable charm and active involvement as a dog model, the four-year-old currently also serves as a pet ambassador for Samsung Lions and a model for their online store.

With the rise in pet ownership, the district office has been implementing policies to enhance the welfare of pets and their owners.

In February, Daegu opened its first public playground for dogs, which gained great popularity, attracting an average of 300 visitors and their furry companions on weekends. The 7,672-square-meter (82,580-square-feet) play area offers various facilities, such as rest areas for owners and trails.

“We are committed to continuously investing in programs and facilities that can be enjoyed by all pet families in the area,” said Lee Tae-hoon, head of Dalseo District office. “Together with Dalmunggoo, we will actively promote the district’s pet-friendly policies.”

Similarly, Yongsan District in central Seoul has employed dogs as ambassadors.

Yongsan District dog ambassadors participate in the district's singing competition as helpers on May 8. [YONGSAN DISTRICT OFFICE]

During the award ceremony for the district’s singing competition on May 8, three dogs named Ggungee, Beta and Sungwoo appeared on the stage as helpers, capturing public attention.

Yongsan recruited dog ambassadors, or dog influencers, last March, receiving 107 applications. After two rigorous qualifying rounds and an online poll involving 4,300 participants, the final three dogs were selected.

Ggungee, a small Pomeranian, is a veteran model and actor. The owner adopted him at a dog café where abandoned dogs were housed. He was suffering from a skin disease and severe flu at the time.

Shetland sheepdog Beta was adopted while the online voting was underway. The dog trainer temporarily taking care of Beta applied for the contest, hoping it would facilitate an adoption.

Sungwoo is a Sapsal mixed dog rescued by an animal protection group.

“We expect all three dogs to become bright and charming dog influencers despite their previous experiences of abandonment,” a Yongsan official said.

The dog influencers will serve as the district ambassadors for a year, appearing in media such as newsletters, promotional videos and vlogs for its YouTube channel.

Yangcheon District's dog ambassador, ″Bbugu,″ poses for a photo with its owners, left, and the head of Yancheon District, second from the right, at a ceremony after Bbugu was appointed as the district's dog ambassador last year. [YANGCHEON DISTRICT OFFICE]

Animal characters are also gaining popularity as city mascots.

Yongin city features a dragon character mascot named Yongyongee, inspired by the word “yong,” meaning dragon in Korean, in the city’s name. Similarly, Goyang city has embraced a cat mascot named Goyanggoyangee for the past decade, reflecting the city's name.

Busan's Mascot "Boogi" poses for a photo. [BUSAN METROPOLITAN CITY]

In Sinan county, South Jeolla, known for its significant redfish production, the redfish Hongdori serves as its mascot. Busan city employs a seagull character, Boogi, symbolizing the city’s maritime identity.

Animals are increasingly being utilized as representatives.

In 2020, the National Fire Agency revised its regulations to allow animal characters or lifesaving dogs to be appointed as honorary firefighters to promote the agency’s polices.

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]

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