LG Uplus unveils new slogan for AI innovation

2024. 5. 19. 14:32
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LG Uplus CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik unveils the company's new brand slogan during an internal online session on Friday. (LG Uplus)

LG Uplus, one of the nation's top telecom carriers, on Sunday unveiled a new brand slogan “Growth Leading AX Company" to accelerate innovation centering on the artificial intelligence transformation, referred to as AX.

The company said the latest announcement came during an internal online session held on Friday to look back on its first quarter performance and share future business directions and plans.

During the meeting, CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik noted that it became necessary to revise the firm’s communication strategy, as a wide range of clients from business customers to the MZ generation -- those born between 1981 and 2010 -- are increasingly interested in the AI and digital transformation fields.

“It is crucial to incorporate AI into all business areas of the company, including CX (customer experience), DX (digital transformation) and platforms,” he said.

"Three things -- organizational imagination, speed and organizational culture that allows you to collaborate as a team -- are necessary to make a true AX company," he continued.

LG Uplus has been working to launch its AI model, called "ixi-GEN," in the first half of this year, building extensive partnerships with global tech firms, including Meta, Google and Amazon Web Services.

By Jie Ye-eun(yeeun@heraldcorp.com)

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