ae bc LB LB 2024. 5. 14. 01:20
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Meeting of Catalonian Socialist Party (PSC) executive committee

epa11337341 Candidate for the Generalitat for the PSC (Catalonian Socialist Party), Salvador Illa (C), PSC's president Miquel Iceta (3-R) and first deputy secretary Luisa Moret (3-L) attend the meeting of their party's executive committee in Barcelona, Catalonia region, north-eastern Spain, 13 May 2024. Illa won Catalonia's election on 12 May but he is not certain to govern. Separatist JxCat formation of former regional president Carles Puigdemont was the second most voted list and the left-wing pro-independence ERC party was the third one. EPA/ALBERTO ESTEVEZ

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