Man returns checks found in old clothing, then donates reward

2024. 5. 8. 17:21
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A man found bank checks worth 50 million won ($36,600) and helped return them to their owner, then donated the reward money that the owner gave him to the local government.

According to Saha-gu Office in Busan, a resident named Cha Sang-jae recently found the checks inside an old piece of clothing that he came across and reported it to the police. The checks were revealed to have belonged to the father of Wi Seong-han, who passed away two years ago.

Wi, a resident of Seoul, had thrown the clothing away, unaware that the money was in its pockets.

Cha initially refused to accept any reward for his good deed. But after Wi's repeated requests that Cha accept the money, Cha eventually agreed to take 2.5 million won and donate it to the Saha-gu Office.

Cha said he wanted people less fortune than him to have the money. He added 1 million won of his own money and made the donation in Wi's name, while keeping Wi's other personal details confidential.

Saha-gu Office said that the donation will be given to a local child care facility.

By Yoon Min-sik(

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