Nongshim launches AI-generated advertisement

2024. 5. 8. 11:36
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[Courtesy of Nongshim]
Nongshim said on Wednesday that it recently launched an advertisement that was generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

The AI-generated advertisement was created to market the company’s ‘DayPlus Postbiotics’ that was launched in April 2024. The ad shows a video of the AI generating an image when asked to draw a more relaxed expression.

Nongshim has been using AI in its manufacturing and sales operations alongside marketing.

In manufacturing, AI is used to look for foreign substances and printing defects as well as packaging. In sales, a pilot operation of an AI sales/receipt slip processing system is currently underway. The company is also working on an in-house-generated AI chatbot that will integrate company regulations and food safety laws.

Copyright © 매일경제 & 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지

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