Samsung SDI unveils cutting edge tech at EV symposium in Seoul

신하늬 2024. 4. 23. 15:20
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Samsung SDI is unveiling a solid-state battery and an ultrafast charging system for EVs at the 37th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition in Seoul this week.
Samsung SDI's exhibition booth at the 37th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition, or EVS37, taking place at COEX in southern Seoul from Tuesday to Friday [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI will showcase cutting-edge technologies, including a solid-state battery and an ultrafast charging system, at the 37th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition (EVS37), the battery maker said Tuesday.

The EVS37 runs for four days from Tuesday at COEX in southern Seoul. The event is the longest-running convention for electric mobility. It is the third time for Korea to host the EVS, following 2002 and 2015.

Samsung SDI attended the EVS in 2015.

At this year’s symposium, the company is displaying its all-solid-state batteries, often touted as "dream batteries" for their high energy density and low fire risk. Samsung SDI aims to begin mass production of all-solid-state batteries in 2027.

The company is also showcasing its ultrafast charging system that can charge batteries to 80 percent in only nine minutes. The goal is to begin commercial-scale production in 2026. Moreover, the company aims to mass-produce batteries with an ultra-long life span of 20 years by 2029.

“Samsung SDI is well on the way to securing key technologies for industry-leading innovations that include all-solid-state batteries, ultrafast charging and ultra-long battery life,” said the company's CEO, Choi Yoon-ho.

“With the industry leadership enabled by our ‘super-gap’ technology, Samsung SDI will pioneer the future global EV market,” Choi added.


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