DK Techin partners with Nuriggum for AI-based customer service

2024. 4. 22. 10:54
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[Courtesy of DK Techin Corp.]
DK Techin Corp., an information technology solutions subsidiary of Kakao Corp., has signed an agreement with Nuriggum Soft, a professional information system development firm, to expand artificial intelligence contact center (AICC) business.

Under the memorandum of understanding (MoU) announced on Monday, DK Techin will support Nuriggum Soft in platform provision and enhancement, technical education related to the Kakao i Connect Center (KiCC) platform, and operational support for platform expansion.

AICC represents one of the next-generation customer service technologies used to enhance the quality of service tasks across various sectors such as retail, finance, and insurance.

It integrates voice AI technology into existing customer consultation systems, providing services that are nearly equivalent to interacting with actual agents, aiming to elevate the quality of customer service.

DK Techin’s AICC platform KiCC, stands out for its integration of Kakao’s natural language processing and voice recognition technologies. It comprehends the user’s inquiry intent and responds accordingly, mimicking a conversation with a live agent.

Nuriggum Soft, as an official partner of DK Techin, will provide professional consulting and industry-tailored solution development for business-to-business (B2B) customers interested in adopting the KiCC service.

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