LG Uplus, Qualcomm unveil next-gen wireless networks

2024. 4. 22. 10:30
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[Courtesy of LG Uplus Corp.]
South Korean wireless carrier LG Uplus Corp. said on Monday that it successfully demonstrated a ran intelligent controller (RIC) platform in collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. The technological breakthrough is pivotal for enabling open wireless access networks and facilitating tailored services such as large-scale traffic management and network slicing in future networks.

Telecom operators will be able to deploy applications akin to smartphones, allowing for the implementation of essential functions such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning according to specific requirements.

The Qualcomm Edgewise RIC solution, a byproduct of joint verification efforts between LG Uplus and Qualcomm Technologies that have taken place since 2023, harnesses AI to detect real-time traffic conditions and autonomously calculate optimized parameters, ensuring peak performance without the need for additional operator intervention. Unlike traditional wireless networks, where operators rely solely on equipment vendors to enhance base station performance, RIC empowers operators to take charge of optimization themselves.

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