BTS's Jungkook opens Instagram account for his dog, Bam

김주연 2024. 4. 16. 17:59
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BTS’s Jungkook opened an Instagram account for his pet Dobermann, Bam, after closing his personal account last year.
Profile picture of Jungkook's newly launched Instagram page for his pet Dobermann, Bam [SCREEN CAPTURE]

BTS’s Jungkook opened an Instagram account for his pet Dobermann, Bam.

Jungkook launched the page on Monday and uploaded multiple photos of his dog on the same day. He then announced the account on the fan community platform Weverse.

“I’m going to show off my baby since I can’t brag about myself right now,” the BTS member said.

He then wished everyone a good "bam", or night, which is a play on words as his dog's name is also the Korean word for night. The singer ended the Weverse post with a Korean military salute.

The account uses the handle @bowwow_bam with the username "Bam's dad." More than 4.229 million people have followed the account as of Tuesday, two days after its launch. The most recent post was uploaded Monday and consisted of three photos of the tan and black Dobermann playing with a toy.

The singer deleted his personal Instagram account last year, which had more than 52.4 million followers at the time. He announced on Weverse that he “quit Instagram” and deleted the app because he “just wasn’t using it.”

Jungkook is currently completing his military service, which is set to end in June 2025. He went live on Weverse to say his final goodbyes to fans before officially enlisting in the military on Dec. 12, 2023.

To find out more about Jungkook, visit Celeb Confirmed!


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