Korean, Italian designers to collaborate on lacquer furniture

2024. 4. 16. 10:03
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[Courtesy of Kookmin University]
In commemoration of the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Italy, a furniture exhibition showcasing collaborations between designers from both countries is set to open in Italy.

On Monday, the Oriental Culture & Design Center (OCDC) of Kookmin University announced it would jointly host the “2024 DBEW (Design Beyond East and West) Exhibition” with ADI Design Museum Milan.

The exhibition, which is at the invitation of the prestigious ADI Museum, winner of the coveted “Golden Compass Award,” will run from April 16th to May 5th, 2024, at the museum for a month-long showcase coinciding with the opening of Milan Design Week. The theme for 2024, which aligns with the DBEW exhibition, focuses on lacquer furniture and design.

Lacquer, a traditional Korean coating made from refined sap that is harvested from lacquer trees, is a material known for its durability and heat resistance without the use of chemical additives. “We selected lacquer as the theme due to its relevance to the recent eco-friendly trends and its ability to encompass both Eastern and Western sensibilities,” OCDC head Choi Kyung-ran, who is also overseeing the exhibition, said.

OCDC head Choi Kyung-ran
The exhibition challenges the perception that lacquer is only used on small items by expanding its application to large furniture pieces and aims to express traditional yet contemporary sentiments by implementing various colors. The process involved Korean and Italian designers collaborating on the conceptualization, followed by the Korean lacquer artisans’ coloring.

The participation of renowned Italian designers in this exhibition is particularly noteworthy. A piece of lacquer furniture piece paying homage to Alessandro Mendini, a globally acclaimed Italian designer who worked with Korean design organizations for over 20 years, will be unveiled at the event.

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