Samsung, Kakao to enhance data transfer services

2024. 4. 9. 11:27
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[Photo by Samsung Electronics Co.]
Samsung Electronics Co. is partnering with Kakao Corp. to help its Galaxy smartphone users smoothly transfer their data on KakaoTalk, Kakao‘s messaging service.

The company said Tuesday that the new data transfer service, available via the Smart Switch application, allows Galaxy users to transfer their KakaoTalk texts, photos, and videos to their new device free of charge. Even messages marked as “unread” and “open chat” data will be seamlessly transferred to the new Galaxy device.

Samsung Electronics emphasized the added user convenience of a simply authentication process on the new device enabling the automatic transfer via KakaoTalk. Previously, the app offered backup support, but only text conversations in standard chat rooms were transferable for free, while photos and videos required separate backups or the help of paid services.

Samsung Electronics said it will continue to improve the convenience and security of its flagship Galaxy smartphones for its users.

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