Samsung urges suppliers to keep up with the times

2024. 3. 29. 08:42
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Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee. [Photo by Samsung Electronics Co.]
Corporate executives from both Samsung Electronics Co. and Samsung Display Co. convened with representatives from their supply contractors to deliberate on the potential tech transformations that are being driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.

Under the banner of 2024 Win-Win Cooperation, Samsung Electronics organized a gathering for its suppliers on Thursday at Ramada Plaza Suwon in Suwon, where its headquarters are located. Notable attendees included Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee alongside over 250 representatives from 202 business partners, among them Daeduck Electronics Co. Chairman Kim Young-Jae.

The annual event has served as a platform for fostering dialogue and bolstering mutual growth between Samsung Electronics and its contract suppliers since its inception in 2012.

“Change and adoption are essential for survival in this AI revolution,” Kim from Daeduck Electronics stressed, calling for flexible strategies to respond to fast-evolving market and customer dynamics.

While reflecting on the challenges from the past year, Han expressed gratitude for suppliers‘ steadfast dedication amid economic slowdown, stagnant growth, and rising manufacturing costs. “While the business landscape remains challenging for 2024, let’s collaborate to revamp our quality processes and systems, foresee future trends, and deliver enhanced value to our clients,” he urged.

For his part, Han expected a future manufacturing workplace characterized by ultra-connected, ultra-intelligent, and ultra-converged capabilities, with more common use of AI-equipped robotics.

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