Eastar Jet to resume Incheon-Shanghai flights in April

2024. 3. 19. 10:30
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[Courtesy of Eastar Jet Co.]
Eastar Jet Co. will resume its Incheon-Shanghai route beginning in mid-April 2024, the airline said on Tuesday.

Easter Jet will initially operate the route three times a week starting April 19th, with plans to increase the flights to seven times a week by July.

The flight will depart Incheon Airport at 22:30 and arrive at Pudong Airport at 23:30 local time. Departures from Pudong Airport the following day will be at 12:30 a.m., arriving at Incheon Airport at 3:30 a.m. local time.

Eastar Jet‘s Incheon-Shanghai service had been inactive for four years and two months since February 2020, and is the first Chinese route the airline has secured since resuming operations in March 2023.

In addition to the Incheon-Shanghai route, Eastar Jet plans to expand its operations to 12 or more routes within 2024, covering destinations in Japan, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.

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