GS25 launches genetic testing service at convenience stores

2024. 3. 13. 11:30
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[Courtesy of GS25]
Convenience store chain GS25 announced on Wednesday that it has partnered with Macrogen, a global digital healthcare company that does genetic sequencing and analysis, to launch a genetic testing service product called GenTok.

Users can undergo genetic testing and receive the results in six categories and 129 items including skin and hair, exercise, nutrients, dietary habits, health management, and personal characteristics via saliva testing.

Customers who purchase GenTok vouchers at GS25 convenience stores will receive them in the form of mobile coupons. The genetic testing kit will be delivered to the desired location after they register the coupon in the GenTok app and provide a delivery address, with results available on the app within 10 business days. The price for the ‘All Package 129,’ which evaluates 129 items, is in the 50,000 won ($40) range.

GenTok gained significant attention after being introduced as ‘Body BTI’ on a popular TV entertainment program. GS25 also plans to expand its range of health-related products into various areas Gangtok’s launch to attract related consumer demand.

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