LG highlights advanced AI solutions at NeurIPS 2023

2023. 12. 14. 11:12
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[Courtesy of LG]
LG AI Research, a division of LG Group specializing in AI technology, displayed its pioneering work in generative AI at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference held from December 10 to 16 in New Orleans. The company unveiled 19 research papers that affirmed its commitment to advancing machine learning.

One of the highlights of LG AI Research’s presentations was the unveiling of its AI Agent, designed to autonomously interpret human commands and make decisions akin to a personal assistant. This technology represents a significant leap forward compared to existing generative AI models.

The institute published a paper describing its work on enabling AI to execute human commands by asking itself questions and making decisions that can help humans. The institute said the technology can apply to online shopping platforms and home appliances that help with household activities, such as robotic vacuum cleaners, to understand human commands more accurately in a simulated environment and then perform the required tasks.

LG AI Research also unveiled a purposeful dialogue technology enabling AI to perform specific human commands, and a technology that automatically optimizes commands or questions entered by generative AI.

Lee Moon-tae, who heads LG AI Research’s machine learning lab, introduced EXAONE Universe, a service specifically tailored for AI researchers. The platform allows AI to reason logically by compiling evidence from specialized literature to overcome AI hallucination, enhancing the credibility of AI-generated responses and providing valuable insights to professionals.

LG plans to expand its services to include chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, patent, financial, and legal industries based on EXAONE Universe for AI professionals. LG AI Research has consistently boosted its research endeavors, presenting a total of 78 papers at global AI conferences in 2023 to date while applying for 30 patents.

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