AWS announces new three serverless offerings to kick off re:Invent

2023. 11. 29. 12:45
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A day before “AWS re:Invent event” held in Las Vegas, United States [Photo by Song Kyung-eun]
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), the world’s largest provider of cloud computing platforms, announced new serverless innovations that will enable users to analyze and manage unlimited data. The options are expected to scale up the company’s database and make it easier for customers to seek expansions to cloud-based applications.

The latest progress was part of AWS’s drive to outpace competitors by launching better services that cost less as the broader use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) increases demand for cloud services.

AWS announced three new serverless offerings for the Aurora, ElastiCache and Redshift services during the AWS re:Invent event held in Las Vegas, United States, on Monday. Further details remain unknown as the offerings were introduced in preview format.

Firstly, AWS added a new capability of limitless database to Amazon Aurora, a relational database management system built for cloud with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Senior Vice President of AWS Utility Computing Peter DeSantis is a keynote speaker at the AWS re:Invent event. [Photo by Joint Press Corps]
Senior Vice President of AWS Utility Computing Peter DeSantis was a keynote speaker at the event, and noted that with the availability of unlimited database, customers now have the capability to handle petabytes of data on a single server. Emphasizing the optimization of data throughput per server, he said that this approach enables us to enhance cost management significantly, with a single petabyte equaling 1,048,576 gigabytes.

AWS also added serverless options to ElastiCache and Redshift. AWS ElastiCache, a fully managed in-memory data store and cache service, is designed to simplify the setup and operation of real-time leaderboards for games, e-commerce platfrom and other applications. With the serverless option added, the cache service will allow for a scale-up of services.

Amazon Redshift Serverless will be designed to optimize performance and cost, using the next generation of AI-driven scaling and optimization.

Although demand for cloud services in the wake of generative AI tools has surged, the global cloud industries have been slow to seek business expansion due to concerns about cost efficiency. But AWS has been one of the global pioneers in cost optimization by developing its own chips.

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