Paper straw manufacturers, “Regret trusting the government. If domestic firms go bankrupt, we have to rely on foreign imports”

Yun Gi-eun, Bak Chae-yeon 2023. 11. 14. 15:51
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CEOs of paper straw manufacturers hold a rally in front of the Ministry of Environment in Sejong on the afternoon of November 13 and call for the government to cancel its indefinite postponement of the ban on plastic straws and to provide measures for the survival of domestic paper straw manufacturers and sales companies. Yonhap News

“We regret trusting the government policy,” said paper straw manufacturers, urging the government to cancel the decision to put off banning plastic straws.

Paper straw manufacturers gathered to seek measures for their survival, and on November 13 held a press conference in front of the government office in Sejong and asked the government for “practical measures that could ensure the survival of domestic paper straw manufacturers at risk of bankruptcy.”

“The government put off the ban on plastic straws indefinitely, giving consumers the wrong message that it is okay to use plastic straws,” said the group of manufacturers, pointing out that the government “poured cold water on a social atmosphere moving toward reducing plastic waste.”

“As a result, small domestic paper straw manufacturers and sales companies have lost their markets and are at risk of insolvency,” they continued and argued, “The government must withdraw the postponement of the ban on plastic straws and present practical measures to guarantee the survival of paper straw manufacturers.”

Jeong Jong-hwa, CEO of Nature Page said, “November 7, when the Ministry of Environment announced it would push back the ban on plastic straws indefinitely, was the day that we were supposed to install the machinery in our factory.” “I trusted the government policy and started my business. We researched night and day to develop products and were proud to contribute to protecting the environment. But all the investment went to waste at the government announcement,” he said, adding, “I regret trusting the government policy and investing in paper straws. I don’t know how to treat my employees, who followed me, believing in me. It’s hard to find a way to repay the bank loans.”

Kim Ho-dae, CEO of Asung Industrial Korea, said, “After the government announcement postponing the ban on plastic straws, our clients canceled their orders and withdrew purchase plans for next year.” He argued, “The final paper straw products and raw materials have become paper trash, and the factory covering a space of more than 330m2 has become a waste warehouse,” and added, “We can’t produce any more with 10 million paper straws in inventory, and we can no longer retain our more than ten employees.”

The group of manufacturers also made a separate appeal to the people Monday. They said, “If domestic paper straw manufacturers go bankrupt and the industry collapses, we will have to rely on low quality imports in the future,” and added, “Eventually, this will put the people’s health at risk.”

“We know that there are people who are uncomfortable with paper straws,” they continued and explained, “But paper straws were not developed because they were better to use than plastic straws, but as an alternative to reduce problems we cause to the ecosystem and reduce environmental pollution.”

The environmental ministry met with the group Monday and decided to identify the scale of damages that the paper straw manufacturers suffered and provide support.

A, the president of another paper straw manufacturer who attended the meeting said, “We will conduct a survey on the situation of the companies and submit the results by Wednesday,” and added, “The environmental ministry made it clear that they were only extending the adaptation period and not withdrawing or postponing the introduction of paper straws.”

“The ministry said it would seek ways to secure a market for paper straws and hold a second meeting with us sometime next week,” he conveyed, adding, “They said they would consult related ministries, such as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and come up with measures to financially support paper straw companies.”

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