Partial strike over Nursing Act pits doctors against nurses

조정우 2023. 5. 11. 18:42
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The current Medical Services Act merely states that nurses should perform healthcare services "under the guidance of physicians."

"It is the responsibility of the parliament to minimize social conflict and resolve issues through legislation."

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Doctors and certified nursing assistants went on partial strike Thursday to protest the Nursing Act legislation that specifies nurses' roles and responsibilities. Even dentists and care workers who were not part of the first partial strike last ...
A hospital in Seoul on Thursday notifies visitors that it will close early at 4 p.m. due to a partial strike protesting the newly legislated Nursing Act. [YONHAP]

Doctors and certified nursing assistants went on partial strike Thursday to protest the Nursing Act legislation that specifies nurses' roles and responsibilities.

Even dentists and care workers who were not part of the first partial strike last Wednesday joined to oppose the newly legislated Nursing Act that was pushed through the National Assembly on April 27, led by the Democratic Party (DP), which holds more than half of the legislature's 300 seats.

Some 13 medical associations, including the Korean Medical Association, went on partial strike across the country, closing their hospitals and leaving work early. Rallies were held in most regions of the country, including Seoul, Gangwon and Daejeon. In Gangwon, around 30 percent of medical facilities participated in the strike.

Those on strike asked President Yoon Suk Yeol to veto the bill and warned that they would go on a full strike on May 17 if he does not veto the bill. Yoon has until May 19 to veto the bill and is expected to make a decision during the Cabinet meeting next Tuesday.

Once a vetoed bill is returned to the National Assembly, it must be approved by two-thirds of a quorum of lawmakers for it to pass again.

The nursing bill was primarily designed to stipulate the roles and responsibilities of nurses by law and improve their working conditions. Nurses have been calling for a separate law defining their legal roles and responsibilities.

The current Medical Services Act merely states that nurses should perform healthcare services “under the guidance of physicians.”

Nurses argue that such an ambiguous law has led them to perform duties outside of their jobs.

Doctors especially have been raising concern over the legislation, as they are concerned that nurses might now be able to practice medicine independently and encroach on their turf.

As conflicts arose, the Korean Nurses Association held a press conference in front of the presidential office in Yongsan earlier in the week, criticizing the People Power Party (PPP) for asking the president to veto the legislation.

“The president and politicians should not sacrifice the health and safety of the people as a political transaction,” said Oh Eui-geum, head of Yonsei University’s nursing department.

The PPP on Thursday promised to make efforts to come to a new agreement with the DP, saying it is their responsibility to restore what they called a collapsing medical system in Korea, even if a presidential veto may hurt them in the general election next year.

As the nurses’ union is much larger than those for doctors and nursing assistants, the party worries that a veto may adversely affect their chances in next year’s general election.

“The entire medical system must not collapse, even if the party loses votes,” floor spokesperson Yun Jae-ok was quoted saying in a press conference held at the National Assembly on Thursday.

"It is the responsibility of the parliament to minimize social conflict and resolve issues through legislation."


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