ERD moa 2021. 6. 11. 23:21
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Marmara sea covered by sea snot in Kocaeli

epa09262224 An aerial photo made with a drone shows, children swim in the Marmara sea covered by sea snot in Darica district of Kocaeli, Turkey, 11 June 2021. Because of global heating, blanket of mucus-like substance in Marmara Sea increasing day by day threatens fishing industry and the environment. According the media reports, sea snot, which is formed as a result of the proliferation of microalgae called phytoplankton in the sea, has descended 30 meters from the surface in some regions on the Marmara Sea. The biggest reason for this is that the water temperature in the Marmara Sea is 2.5 degrees above the average of the last 40 years. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN

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