2019. 9. 4. 23:02
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Sufi ritual at Hamad Al Nil

epaselect epa07816738 Faithful take part in a Sufi ritual near Hamad Al Nil mosque, Omdurman, some 23 km north West of Khartoum, Sudan, 23 August 2019 (issued 04 September 2019). Every Friday, Sudanese and visitors alike attend a Sufi ritual where whirling dervishes, Muslim men followers of Sufism philosophy and who took a vow of poverty and austerity, gather to pray, sing, dance, chant, run and clap in pursuit of a state of trance that they gradually reach from sunset time for a couple of hours. The weekly ritual takes place in a cemetery that houses the tomb of Sheikh Hamad Al Nil, a 19th century Sufi leader, for his memory a mosque with three domes was built in 1936. The colorful religious men lead the ceremonies and people gather around them joining sometimes in an atmosphere of friendship, prayer and bonding. Every time the whirling Dervishes use their whistles the music goes faster and so do the faithful movements. EPA/AMEL PAIN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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