Gwanja Naengchae (Scallop Salad)

원포인트 2018. 4. 6. 13:33
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Chef Yoo Jong-Ha's Delicious Dish!


Scallop, Cucumber, Pear, Lemon Juice, Mustard Paste

1. Cut Pears, Cucumbers, Scallops

TIP: Use molds to cut out bite-size pieces.

2. Roast Cooking Oil, Scallops

TIP: Roast the scallops on each side lightly.

3. Make Sauce Crushed Garlic (1t), Lemon Juice (3t), Light Mustard (1t), Sugar (2t)

TIP: Stir the ingredients constantly until the sugar melts.


1. Cut the pears, cucumbers and scallops into bite-size pieces.

2. Roast the scallops lightly.

[Effects of Scallops]

Rich in docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, scallops are good for growing children as well as the brain development of fetuses and infants.

Try out this Gwanja Naengchae (Scallop Salad) dish which is chewy and savory.

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