[Editorial] Lee Myung-bak Refuses to Reflect on His Irregularities and Criticizes Efforts to Root Them Out

2017. 11. 13. 17:33
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Former President Lee Myung-bak accused the Moon Jae-in government's efforts to eradicate long-established irregularities, including the Prosecution Service's investigation of the online comments posted by the military's Cyber Command and the National Intelligence Service (NIS), as political retaliation. On November 12, former President Lee said, "Looking at the government's efforts to root out long-established irregularities for the past six months, I began to wonder if this was in fact reforms. I had some expectations after the new government entered office, but conflicts and division have deepened in all social fields." He also said, "We are facing a crisis in security and foreign affairs, and I think the government treating the military organization and intelligence agency indiscriminately and unfairly puts our security in greater danger." His words were impertinent and unreasonable. Who is it that turned the military, an organization that should fight enemies, and the National Intelligence Service, an agency for the state and the people, into a tool of the government? Lee was the decision maker and the person responsible for the illegal activities of the Cyber Command and the NIS. Former Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin, practically an accessory in the crime, was arrested, and the court convicted the former NIS Director Won Sei-hoon. Even if Lee sought forgiveness on his knees, it would not be enough for the people to forgive him, yet rather than reflect or apologize, he opted to condemn the Moon Jae-in government, which is quite appalling.

The Lee Myung-bak government is in fact where the abuse of state authority started. They drew up a blacklist of cultural figures and artists, twisted the arms of the chaebol and large businesses to fund conservative organizations, and suppressed the press including public broadcasting companies. It was also the Lee Myung-bak government that engaged in political retaliation. They used state agencies such as the Prosecution Service, the National Intelligence Service, and the National Tax Service to trace figures in the preceding government, oppress the opposition party and drive former President Roh Moo-hyun to his death. In the eighteenth presidential election in December 2012, the Lee Myung-bak government evaded the law and resorted to illegal activities to support the presidential candidate, Park Geun-hye, probably out of fear. After all, Lee, who knew his sins better than anyone else, had all the reason to fear a victory by the candidate Moon Jae-in.

Lee's close aide, former Cheong Wa Dae Senior Secretary for Public Relations Lee Dong-kwan said, "He never gave such specific orders (for online comments by the military and intelligence agency). The president of the Republic of Korea does not have so much time." However, former Defense Minister Kim gave a statement that he reported to former President Lee on the activities by the Cyber Command and received related orders. Evidence has already surfaced showing that the Cyber Command had conspired with Cheong Wa Dae and posted online comments. The court said, "The intervention in politics, the major criminal charge, has been verified and there is concern of the destruction of evidence," when they issued an arrest warrant for Kim Kwan-jin, which the Prosecution Service requested last week. It is now time for former President Lee to explain. If he has nothing to hide, there is no reason for him to avoid a prosecutors' investigation. There isn't much time, and there is a limit to the people's patience. The people want the truth concerning the anti-democratic and anti-constitutional acts conducted by the Lee Myung-bak government when they were in office. Efforts to eradicate long-established irregularities are not political retaliation, but the people's judgment on the former president, who has committed crimes. We call for the prosecutors to conduct an investigation that knows no sanctuary.

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