Dried Persimmon-Nut-Jujube Cake

KMOVE리포트 2017. 7. 24. 20:56
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[Chef Yoo Jong-Ha's delectable Korean snacks]

INGREDIENTS : Jujube, Dried Persimmon, Walnut, Chestnut

1. Chop : Dried Persimmons, Jujubes

TIP: Remove the seeds from the dried persimmons and jujubes and chop them into small pieces before grinding them.

2. Grind : Dried Persimmons, Jujubes, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Butter

TIP: Use the butter kept at room temperature.

3. Roll : Plastic Wrap, Bangheombyeong Dough

TIP: Put chestnuts for a better mouthfeel.

TIP: Harden the dough in the fridge.

4. Cut : Frozen Bangheombyeong Dough


1. Harden the Bangheombyeong dough made with dried persimmons, jujubes, walnuts, chestnuts and butter in the fridge.

2. Cut the frozen Bangheombyeong dough into bite-size pieces.

[Effects of Dried Persimmon]

The white powder on the surface of dried persimmons is the natural crystalline glucose which is very good for phlegm and coughs.

If you need any sugary substance on an empty stomach, try Bangheombyeong (Dried Persimmon-Nut-Jujube Cake).

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