<PRNewswire> Organic Electronics Saxony - Meet OES's experts at LOPEC 2016

2016. 4. 6. 09:40
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in Munich

in Munich!

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(DRESDEN and MUNICH, Germany, April 5, 2016 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Organic Electronics Saxony (OES), Europe's leading cluster for organic and flexible electronics, presents the promising projects at the international exhibition for printed electronics, LOPEC in Munich. Supported by the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS), eight Saxon companies are at the OES joined pavilion. "Again we have gathered well-known experts at our pavilion to represent the Saxon competence in this exciting and growing high-tech sector," emphasises Dr. Dominik Gronarz, managing director of OES. "In organic and printed electronics we see a clear and constantly evolving business ahead and the cluster in Saxony continuously leads in world class research and development. For example, the Technical University of Dresden most recently received a Starting Grant of the European Research Council in research of bi-luminescent molecules." states Mr. Nothnagel, managing director of the WFS, adding "The transfer of this energy-efficient, evolving technology from research to product is best done in the high-tech cluster Saxony with its long-term experience in microelectronics, biotechnology, material and analytics". The TU Dresden occupies top ranking among the top five "World's Most Influential Scientific Minds". One of them is highly cited and therefore most influential Prof. Karl Leo in the field of Material Science, at the Institute of Applied Photo Physics (IAPP). Currently an over 3.000 square meter lab and office space is under construction at the TU Dresden site. It will host a modern IAPP research facility as well as research of the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), which is funded within the "Excellence Initiative" of the Federal Government.

We invite you to join our guided tour on the OES booth.

Booth B0/320

Organic Electronics Saxony

Jitka Barm


Tel.: +49-351-46677180

Full press release: http://datas.weichertmehner.com/oes.pdf

Source: Organic Electronics Saxony


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