2016. 1. 22. 03:03
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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(예시) 가장 빠른 뉴스가 있고 다양한 정보, 쌍방향 소통이 숨쉬는 다음뉴스를 만나보세요. 다음뉴스는 국내외 주요이슈와 실시간 속보, 문화생활 및 다양한 분야의 뉴스를 입체적으로 전달하고 있습니다.

Builing work for the world record attempt for the largest classic igloo with a diameter of 13 meters and a ceiling hight of 11 meters

epa05116702 Reto Gilli (R), manager of the Igloo-village in Zermatt, and Adrian Guenter, initiator and manager of the Igloo-villages company, hold the last snow brick during the building work for the world record attempt for the largest classic igloo with a diameter of 13 meters and a ceiling hight of 11 meters in Zermatt, Switzerland, 21 January 2016. This world record attempt is hold during the 20th anniversary of the Igloo-village on an altitude of 2,727 meters. A total of 1,700 snow bricks are needed during the construction phase of two weeks. By now, the largest Igloo was built on 19 February 2011 in Grand Falls, Canada with a diameter of 9,2 meters and a ceiling hight of 5,3 meters. EPA/DOMINIC STEINMANN

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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