<PRNewswire>Inaugural HIMSS Asia Pacific Innovations Awards Attracts Big

2015. 8. 13. 11:18
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Names and Start-Ups Alike

Names and Start-Ups Alike

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(SINGAPORE, Aug. 13, 2015 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Constant technological improvement is the cornerstone to improving patient care across the care continuum. From big-ticket solutions within the hospital to smaller consumer devices for step-down care and home monitoring, innovations - both big and small - contribute to improved care outcomes and enhance the experience of both healthcare provider and patient. Together they drive care towards greater heights.

Singapore is fronting the innovation race in Asia Pacific, together with countries such as South Korea, Japan, India and China. In this Singapore50 (SG50) year, leaders from its key Ministries and healthcare organizations will display their continued commitment to innovation and SMART healthcare at the HIMSS AsiaPac15: Digital Healthcare Week (HIMSS AsiaPac15).

Reflecting an Asia Pacific healthcare market that is actively embracing technologies now, this year's exhibition space is sold out. 150+ innovations and solutions will be displayed for potential customers to evaluate and experience.

To add to this spirit of innovation at HIMSS AsiaPac15 and in alignment with Singapore's vision for smart nation inventiveness and experimentation, HIMSS AsiaPac15 will host its Inaugural Innovation Awards Competition and Showcase.

This competition offers a unique platform for all innovators. Commercial vendors, start-ups, academics, researchers and bold individuals compete on a level playing field and put their solutions to the test.

The call for nominations opened in March and has since received 40+ applications. Out of these, 7 finalists have been picked. They include: Dassault (Living Heart Project), Medpats Global (RingMD), SQRDOTS (Klinify), Winscribe (Winscribe Text), Biolitix (Cardiostik) and Bosch (Bosch Eye Care Solutions).

Pierre Corboz, Director Global Product Strategy, Winscribe said: "Winscribe is proud to be part of the HIMSS community, and we are deeply honored to have our speech-enabled clinical documentation management system, Winscribe Text, selected as a finalist for the HIMSS AsiaPac Innovation Award. Winscribe is excited and proud to demonstrate that the Asia Pacific region is rich in producing cutting edge technology and a proven leader in the global healthcare technology market. This award would underline the determination we have while striving to make a difference and create innovations that address everyday challenges in the healthcare market, through unique and creative solutions that increase the quality of life for users."

These finalists will showcase their innovations at the HIMSS AsiaPac15 exhibition from 7 - 9 September. This showcase will culminate in the selection of the winner through a judging panel and audience voting - both will be carried out live at the event. Criteria including usability, aesthetics and novelty will be considered.

Judges are: Calvin Chu Yee Ming, Partner, Eden Strategy Institute, Grace Park, Founder & Executive Chairwoman, DocDoc, Mohan Belani, Co-founder & CEO, e27, and Patricia Wise, Vice President, HIMSS.

HIMSS AsiaPac15 will run from 6 - 10 September 2015 with the main conference from 7 - 10 September. More information can be found at www.himssasiapac15.org. Registration is now open.


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